Run to Goliath!
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Hebrews 11:11
Keywords: faithful / blessed
MP3 Audio
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How do you judge God? In spite of her old age and opposing condition, Sarah judged God faithfull, in the face of great obstacles. God is looking for people who will run toward their Goliath!
Grace, Love & Communion
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: 2 Corinthians 13:14
Keywords: grace / love / communion
MP3 Audio
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Paul ends his second letter to the Corinthians with a benediction. Learn how to receive the gifts of grace, love and communion, through relationship and fellowship with the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Grace To Live By
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: 1 Timothy 1:3-7; 1 Corinthians 15:9-10
Keywords: grace / enable / fall
MP3 Audio
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"And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who enabled me...." God saves us by His grace so that we can make somehthing of our lives by that grace. Learn how to take hold of grace fully and to run with it to the victory you are called to.
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Keywords: sanctification / family / mission
MP3 Audio
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To be received into the family of God, the family of Three, Father Son and Holy Spirit, is to be included. Sactification as part of the heavenly family was based soley on Their devotion. Now you are invited to be included, or sanctified, unto Their mission.
Christ's New Humanity
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Keywords: new creation / Spirit / flesh
MP3 Audio
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Are you caught in thinking between the two cosmos: the world and the fullness of what is to come? This first principle: We are of the Spirit and not of the flesh, guides our understanding to acknowledge who we are now as Christ's new creation.
Christ is the Pattern for Dads
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Ephesians 5:22-33
Keywords: husband / Christ / church / home
MP3 Audio
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Christ's relationship to the church is a pattern for all husbands in their homes, bringing the same grace, life, oneness through love and prophetic voice as Christ, whose leadership is the family's defense against all enemies.
The God of All Comfort
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: 2 Corinthians 1:3-13
Keywords: comfort / conflict
MP3 Audio
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God wants to and can comfort you. And as suffering may abound, so also does His comfort. God has you covered!
Psalm 34
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Psalm 34
Keywords: seek /
.MOV video and audio file
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Enjoy the reading of Psalm 34 by Dr. Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Just As I Am
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Galatians 6:16
Keywords: cross / glory / New Creation / rule
MP3 Audio
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You were made for divine love: crimson love. The old rule of self-glorying endears itself to your soul, but the new rule appeals to faith in Jesus by love.
Back to Eden & the Good Life
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: 2 Corinthians 12:9
Keywords: love / relationships / life / hope
MP3 Audio
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Jesus restored through the cross the Eden that Adam and Eve forfeighted, giving back our relationships, love, freedom, hope, life, pleasure and joy.
The Love Glory
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Keywords: love / unity / Trinity / church
MP3 Audio
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A message revealing the glory of the Trinity's love given to be represented in so so that the world might believe that Jesus is the Son of God..
A Dispensation of Empowerment, Part 2
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text:Titus 3:4; John 1:14
Keywords: grace / truth / kindness
MP3 Audio
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A message revealing Jesus, full of grace and truth, as the Father's show of kindness.
Receive. Declare. Make Haste!
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Joshua 14:10-13
Keywords: receive / declare / haste / prophetic
MP3 Audio
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Three words to take your prophetic victory.
Challenges Are There to Grow You
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Matthew 25:14-30
Keywords: grace / challenges / love |
Challenges are your friend and not your enemy. Perception is everything, so trust in a good, rewarding God Who will make all the difference. |
Paul's Formula for Christian Discipleship
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Philippians 3:3-21
Keywords: discipleship / new creation / grace |
Paul's formula for Christian discipleship is revealed in his letter to the Philippians. |
My Daily Confession
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Keywords: grace / new creation / church |
Make this a daily practice to confess who you are in Christ in your church, with the power by grace it affords to the New Creation you. |
Intimacy With God , Part 1
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: John 17:9-26; 2 Peter 1:2
Keywords: approval / love / new creation / service
MP3 Audio
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Value and Validation by the love of God.
Christ in You Is Your Hope of Glory
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text:John 17:26; 1 John 4:16
Keywords: love / Christ / glory
MP3 Audio
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A message revealing the mindset of those who walk in their new creation blessings by grace.
The Cross Is the Key to Your Blessings
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text:Galatians 3:9; 5:2-4; 1Corinthians 1:17
Keywords: free / grace / blessing / in Christ
MP3 Audio
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A message revealing the mindset of those who walk in their new creation blessings by grace.
Free, Part 2, "Unfair Grace"
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Keywords: free / grace / new creation / in Christ
MP3 Audio
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The second message taken from Chapter One: "Unfair Grace" of the book FREE!
Free, Part 1
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Keywords: free / grace / new creation / in Christ
MP3 Audio
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The first message taken from the Preface, Introduction and Chapter One of the book FREE!
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Keywords: free / grace / new creation / in Christ
An, inspiring, musical excerpt from the Preface of the book FREE!
MP3 Audio: Download and listen on iTunes, your computer or mp3 player. |
Get Yours
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: 1 Corinthians 9:11
Keywords: blessing |
An exhortation to lay hold of your spiritual and material blessings.
MP3 Audio: Download and listen on iTunes, your computer or mp3 player. |
Dancing Through Life with Our New Creation God, Part 3
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: 2 Corinthians 4:13-15; 1 Corinthians 4:6
Keywords: in Christ / speak / new creation / confession
MP3 Audio
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The five-fold confession fo those enjoying the dance..
Our Glory Is in the Cross Alone
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Galatians 6:14-16
Keywords: in Christ / cross / new creation / grace
MP3 Audio
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The world to come has invaded this present evil world and established a new rule to live by—in Christ—and this was accomplished by the cross.
God Has Made Ever Provision Necessary for His New Creation to Reign in Life
by Frederick Drummond, Sr..
Text: Romans 5:17-21; 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
Keywords: grace / righeousness / in Christ / new creation |
In Christ as His new creation we are destined by grace to live justified powerful lives, called to be winners in spite of the circumstances. |
Our Glory Is in the Cross Alone
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Galatians 6:14-16
Keywords: in Christ / cross / new creation / grace
MP3 Audio
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The world to come has invaded this present evil world and established a new rule to live by—in Christ—and this was accomplished by the cross.
You Smell Good!
by Frederick Drummond, Jr.
Text: 2 Corinthians 2:15-16
Keywords: triumph / attitude / faith / fragrance |
What do you smell like? I know you have a flesh that is going through the death process at times, but you don't have to smell like it. You have a choice. Go ahead, choose to smell good! |
Your Finest Hour
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Luke 15:17
Keywords: turning point / defining moment / anointing / price |
Your defining moment might not be when you rise up as a victor, but rather, when you willingly lay your life down as a failure. Let me get to the point. Before you can be the success you have always dreamed of, you are going to have to honestly face the demons in your basement as well as the angels in your attic. |
An Unlikely Candidate
by Grace Bellingham
Text: 1 Samuel 26:19
Keywords: choosing / criticism / forgiveness / love |
My heart breaks for the men and women of God whom I've seen publicly crucified because someone decided they would help God. Their accusers went so far in their self-righteous presumption to publicly attack them for the distinct purpose of destroying their God-given ministries. |
The Two Greatest Enemies of Your Success
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: 1 John 2:16, 17
Keywords: lust / pride |
MP3 Audio.
Download and listen to the message on iTunes, your computer or mp3 player. |
The Challenge of the Wedding Garment
by Randall Vinson
Text: Matthew 22:1-14
Keywords: repentence / righteousness / self-righteousness |
Putting on the wedding garment of Christ’s righteousness is a challenge to our self-righteousness. Are we going to insist that we are just fine the way we are, or are we going to humble ourselves and admit to a necessary change to be welcome in God’s presence? |
The Vital Role of Churches Today
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Acts 2:47
Keywords: church / body |
Church life is as vital today as it was in the first century. There is no substitute for the local church body “…edifying…itself in love” |
Choices on the Road to Success
by Gary Hyrne
Text: multiple
Keywords: choices / success / decisions |
You will never succeed beyond the degree to which you are willing to surrender. Furthermore, your surrender will not be complete until you have formed the habit of saying, thinking and doing with gladness the things that failures don’t like to do. |
A Remnant of Revelation
by Grace Bellingham
Text: Matthew 16:18
Keywords: revelation / church / church membership |
Within the context of your local church you have a trowel in one hand to build that church under the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit, and a sword in the other to fight the principalities and powers that want to stop you from building. |
Accurate Numbers Are Your Best Friend
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Keywords: numbers / prosperity |
Excerpt from: Guaranteeing Your Prosperity, F. A. Drummond, Ph.D., Copyright © 2003 |
Hard-and-Fast Rules of Personal Financial Success
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Keywords: finances / success / prosperity |
A must-read list for anyone who wants to put their finances right and be truly blessed! Excerpt from: Guaranteeing Your Prosperity, F. A. Drummond, Ph.D., Copyright © 2003 |
Double for Your Trouble
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Job 42:10-17
trust / integrity / trouble / goodness of God |
Do you suppose
that this is how God wants all of us to end up—blessed and double for your trouble? My answer to this is a confident "Yes," because I believe in a good God Who is a rewarder of the faithful. |
Undivided Individuals
by Randall L. Vinson
Text: 1 Cor 3:10-17; 6:15-20
Keywords: church member/ indivdual / community |
We will also never find a verse in the Bible telling us to say nothing and to stay away from everyone. God gave every one of us our unique individuality, but individualism is not isolationism. |
Walking in Prophetic Fulfillment
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Romans 4:16-5:5
Keywords: promises / prophetic / faith / success |
All the promises of God in the Holy Scriptures have a big "yes" attached to them. They are there to add value to our lives. In a very real sense they are a prophetic glimpse of what God has made available to believers. |
The Saint/Sinner Reality Check
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: 2 Timothy 2:19a; 2 Cor 5:14-18; John 3:14-21
Keywords: saint / sinner / believer / unbeliever |
God doesn’t see everyone the same way, and neither should we. He not only clearly distinguishes between believers and unbelievers, but He treats them in very different ways. |
Your Holy Calling
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Ephesians 1:9-11, 23
Keywords: calling / church |
Christian, what is the call of God on your life? Do you know that there is one and that it is uniquely tailored to you? I can say for certain that everyone has a holy calling, and you need to know what it is and pursue it, because it is the only reason you are here on planet Earth. |
Are You One in a Thousand?
by Frederick Drummond, Sr.
Text: Ecclesiastes 7:27-29
Keywords: minister / shepherd / sheep |
The five differences between a true minister of the gospel and a glory-seeker. |
The Essence of True Leadership--Disciplization
by Richard Price
Text: Matt 4:19; 1 Cor 11:1; 2 Tim 2:2
Keywords: leadership / disciplization |
What is a leader in God's kingdom? Discover the difference between today's popular definitions of leadership and how the Bible defines true leadeship. |
What Does Your Life Say?
by Randall L. Vinson
Text: multiple
Keywords: testimony / authority / words / love of the truth |
Do your words come out just as another reasonable or interesting point of view, or are your words carried along by the authority of God? It doesn’t take a seminary education; it takes a relationship with Jesus based upon the love of the truth. |